Friday, August 22, 2008

My Errands..

tomorrow is gonna be a big day!!! yeahyeah, my convo..i want lotsa pressies ;p

i got lots of things to do today..confirm i'll be kelamkabut, the usual chaotic me.. ;)

1) gotta get my graduation robe..early morning like 9am [afraid if i'm late there won't be anymore robes in my size]..hmmm, very lazy to wake up in the morning!!!

2) need to get a haircut..wanna look nice & proper & shweet, hahahaha ;p

3) need to get my nails done..i think if there's time i'll go to the salon, if not i'll juz d.i.y tonight..

4) gotta rush to the astro service center to collect the gold card - a pending errand, since last month, i think..sooo lazy to drive to damansara! well, at least i can get it on the spot & use it immediately..the astro people told me if they post it, it'll take a very long time, so might as well get it myself..konon2 i'll be more happy laa..whatever laa kan..

5) gotta go to the MAHA 2008 exhibition at serdang [ends tomorrow]..wanna get that crystal salt lamp..mummy, daddy & cma bought 3 of it, they went there twice, without me! hehehe, i wasn't that thrill about going especially since they prefer to go early like, with the hot weather & striking sunshine, it's juz not my cuppa joe..yes, lots of excuse, very mengada ;p

hmmm, i guess that's about it..hopefully i'll get all these errands done..ishhh, not hopefully, IT'S A MUST!!! by hook or by crook.. ;p

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