Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tough Luck :(

this afternoon, i received a call from Datin Adilah [from the job interview]..she personally called me, keeping her promise of telling me what the outcome of my interview regardless of anything..anyway, i didnt get the job :'( ..she said Datuk had to select a male because the job required the engineer to go to the offshore basically, a female engineer wouldn't suit the job..well, what to do, i'm in a tough industry where male dominates it..i mean, i might like the idea of going offshore [thinking i'm super tough & it'll be exciting, not to mention the experience of being in the middle of the sea!]..but to really go through it might be hard..[takut pun ada gak..yelaa, being the only female with a bunch of guys in the middle of nowhere..imaginasiku mcm nak membentuk senario gila!!!]

but Datin was really nice, she kinda made me feel ok even tho i was rejected..i mean she told me that she & Datuk had really wanted to employ me & that if there was any future vacancy suitable for me, i'd be on their list..she asked what i was up to, i told her about my tutoring job which she encourage & gave some advice on how to gain more students..but what i didn't expect was her shock & impressed remark..hehehe, i guess she thought i was quite the 'something' & it was quite unexpected of me..[lubang hidungku dah kembang skit, hihihi]..i'm quite happy that i made a good 1st impression..well, at least i tried, got another interview experience & as the saying goes "bukan rezeki aku".. ;)

tough luck but better luck the next time, insyaAllah :) ..positive thinking!!!

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