Friday, August 8, 2008

Angry Dream..[18SG]

i was dreaming about 'FBR'..started with a flashback sometime ago when we were having a cocktail chitchat session, then it changed to a part where both of FBR's arms were amputated, at the elbow..both of FBR's kneecaps were smashed repeatedly till it was flat, with a baseball bat..then a few hits to the head till the skull cracked..the last part was stabbing FBR's chest with a butcher knife, but only a few times, coz FBR has to die slowly, must suffer, must feel the pain!!!

all smashing & stabbing were done with vehement/fiery anger & hatred!! FBR was lying on the floor in a pool of blood, still alive but not kicking..striving to stay alive, trying so hard to breath, but only managed to swallow blood, choking on blood..the look of suffer on FBR's face was pleasure, i ate it like it was sweet candy..i juz stood over FBR, with a smirk of satisfaction & pleasure..but it wasn't me who did it, hahaha, i was juz an audience or maybe the mafia boss, the attacker was & still is an unknown person..yes, it was juz a dream but with high hopes it'll be a reality for FBR to go thru in real life..when that day arrives, i'll be throwing a party!!!

i woke up feeling angry & hatred towards FBR..but i was a bit happy about the dream tho! hahaha ;p ..i wonder what this dream meant, especially on this day..???

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