Wednesday, June 4, 2008

OMG!!! Finally I Got My Donuts :)

as i've been craving for J.Co donuts for a very very long time, yesterday i finally forced myself to be rajin & shoot off to Sunway Pyramid (during peak hours people were leaving work - of corz laa the road was congested!).. but i was sooo happy when i reached there i saw that the queue wasn't long at all..i was the 2nd person in line :) ..yeahyeah!!! bought myself a dozen donuts ~ juz for me, myself & i ~ [dah kata lama mengidam, bukan tamak ikut nafsu k]..hehehe ;p

* my most fav is the glaze & oreo *
then i had a big delicious dinner at TGIF with Berd, it was on him [alhamdulillah ada kawan yg baik hati nak belanja makan! TQ beribu-ribu lemon ye]..sooo of corz laa i would eat with a happy face, hahaha! ;) ..had the boneless chicken wings, chicken & cheese, fish & choc cake for dessert, yumyumyum!!! was sooo full & felt sleepy that we juz called it quits & headed home, no coffee session..well, it was one of those so-called "craving & very hungry" day! ;p


Lady Dyla said...

x aci!! i until now x mrsai J.CO donut lg...

Lady Dyla said...

so.. u nk my address...

beshnyer ade ow nk blnaja J.CO!!! :))