Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Visit 2 Putrajaya CLinic & HospitaL...

2day i was supposed 2 wake up early in the morning, like about 830am..had promised 2 take mummy 2 the Putrajaya clinic plus i also wanted 2 get myself checked about something..but then i woke up at about 10am ++..i was rushing 2 get ready..we arrived a little after 1130am..we registered, then there was a long Q 2 c the doctor, so we were told 2 go have lunch 1st then come back at 2pm..

since we were already in Putrajaya, the nearest place 2 have a nice lunch was Alamanda of corz..i think Alamanda should get me my own designated parking with my name on it, hehehe ;p ..anyway, as usual i took mummy 2 Penang Village restaurant, had my usual Penang Fishball Soup & Penang Coffee..i was still sleepy & blur..after lunch, we still had time 2 go 2 Carrefour..i wanted 2 get some blank cds & a pack of soil (last week i bought a new pot 2 put in my aloe vera plant, the old pot was small)..we managed 2 restrain ourselves from excessive spending (a small pat on the back, thank u very much, hihihi)..we stuck 2 the list we had, so dat was all we bought, hahaha ;p

then headed back 2 the clinic..man, i nearly dozed off while waiting 4 my turn..then finally around 350pm, all was settled at the clinic but there was another pit-stop & agenda..i had 2 go 2 the Putrajaya hospital 2 make an appointment with a specialist doctor..can u believe dat the doctor is sooo fully booked dat my appointment is in October [17th October - Friday - 11am]!!!! well, dat was the end of the journey..finally!!!

wat a long wait 4 October & 2day juz had 2 be a very boring long day (imagine doing nothing but sit & wait, with no entertainment & fun)!! exactly, sooo not fun at all, humph!!! we reached home about 440pm..fuhhh! so, i guess i'll take my sweet nap 1st b4 i do my usual "chilling at home" activities..[i'm in the middle of reading April Shadows by Virginia Andrews].. :)

~ hmmm, sounds like i'm a bit of a bookworm yea?!? well, watever!!! hahaha ~

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