2008, a new beginning for me..
i know there'll B lots of surprises, more experiences, more happiness & sadness waiting 4 me..but my only dream is 2 conquer the world, hahahaha, my fantasy!!! actually i've got my resolutions, but i'll keep dat as a secret :) don't wanna jinx it, hehehe..mayb wen december arrives, i'll spill the beans..MAYBE!
i know there'll B lots of surprises, more experiences, more happiness & sadness waiting 4 me..but my only dream is 2 conquer the world, hahahaha, my fantasy!!! actually i've got my resolutions, but i'll keep dat as a secret :) don't wanna jinx it, hehehe..mayb wen december arrives, i'll spill the beans..MAYBE!
a whole month has passed since my last entry..a lot has happened, i'm sooo overloaded with these memories & experiences..didn't have the time 2 blog, plus my internet was out 4 more than a week.. which really pissed me off since those customer service ppl were soooo 'confusing'..they never did things right, telling me dat all will B settled by the next day, but it never did, kept on going (same thing) till finally dis girl told me the real logical reason..but i still told her off saying dat the whole ordeal was ridiculous coz each time i called, they told different stories/excuses/promises/etc..i'm very sure they wanted me 2 go crazy & start B'ing confuse..*sigh*..it really tested my patience, i was already talking angrily but i still managed not 2 yell..hmmm, sounds like the power of control, is it??? the morale of the story is..'ditch streamyx & get sum other internet connection'..hahaha!!! yeah right, like i'm gonna do it..*shaking my head*..but can't deny i still need it, it's my life-line 2 the outter world besides my handphone, car & laptop :) [sounds kinda pathetic 2 me, hahahaha!!! watever!]
new year's eve was the best, i had sooo much fun with my close friends, i enjoyed every moment of it..a memory 2 cherish :) ..dat day i had made plans 2 celebrate new year with faiz, ayie & ctea..thot of watching the fireworks at putrajaya..but then we never made it coz half way there we decided 2 pick ctea up at cyberjaya..it wasn't a waste tho coz me, faiz & ayie managed 2 watch the fireworks by the roadside..it was better than nothing & the view was perfect, got 2 c it all..then things juz took its natural course..we had a late dinner at hartamas square, the usual chitchatting & sight-seeing, hehehe ;p ..still dat wasn't enuff fun or exciting, so we decided 2 go chill sum where else, where it was more happening & loud ;p ..the next best thing was having more friends 2 join in the fun, helmi & 2 other friends came juz as we were leaving hartamas.. & then the journey began, hahaha!! we finally found our destination after a long long discussion & debate :) all i can say is dat my celebration of 2008 is the best, as far as i can remember..it was like the mark of sumthing new & different 4 me dis year.. "yeahyeah" ;)
besides being bz celebrating new year, i've been stuck wit the usual college stuff, a.k.a my thesis & asgnmnts..alwez keeping me bz but not 100% tho, hehehe..still manage 2 squeeze in sum leisure time..my life would B soo soo boring witout fun relaxing entertainment wit friends..work & no play makes me dull.. ;p ..i can't wait 4 this 2 end..31st march is 'FREEDOM', the day i end my status as a student, yeahyeah!!! i'm gonna celebrate big time, party all the way baby! ;p ..mayb after dat, a vacation will definitely make it the best celebration..i'm gonna make sure it does, no worries about dat!!!
recently i attended this course which is known as AsiaWorks..sum may know about it & sum might not..it was a 5days training, totally made my life full of activities, i mean juggling my classes, thesis & asgnmnts wit traveling the long journey 2 the training & back home(phhweew!!! felt like i was using Energizer batteries, hahahaha!!)..by the end of the day i was exhausted, but still managed 2 hangout 4 a late supper wit other AsiaWorks participant, who R my new friends..another clique, hehehe, the nice thing about it was we got 2 exchange ideas & views about wat we had went thru dat day & trying 2 predict wat was in store 4 us the next day..overall it was a fun,exciting, experiential week..lots of new things were discovered, & it was a whole new experience 4 me..actually i've never attended a motivation course b4, i mean besides the usual education studying thing..so by the end of AsiaWorks training, i've concluded dat it was interesting & extraordinary! hehehe ;p ..
i'm still trying 2 remember wat else had happened since my last entry..???..well, i guess dats about it..i'll update later, wen it comes 2 me.. :)
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