my true love sent to me
another festive season..another holiday..feels the same tho, since i'm having my mid-term break..but not a free nothing-to-do holiday..i've got asgnmnts & thesis dat needs 2 be done by 2nd Jan'08..haven't done much yet, i'm caught up in dis wonderful holiday..& the fact dat last nite (23/12/07) i had my pre-christmas eve celebration wit friends..huhu!! i guess dat celebration is a private story.. ;p ..b4 dat, juz the 5 of us, juz sitting at a mamak wit shisha & food/drinks, each had about 3glasses of coffee/juice/ice tea..we were thirsty from talking, hahaha ;p , but it was quite enuff 2 create a happy jolly mood..i was with emi, fino, joe & sheikh (they both came down from penang)..the others couldn't make it (too bad)..if not i think it would have been more chaotic coz most of us can really talk & laugh non-stop..we strive 2 entertain ourselves.. ;p
my other group of close friends had 2 go back 2 their hometown since 20th Dec was Hari Raya Aidiladha..ctea, faiz, ayie, helmi & alem are all far far away in another land..hehehe, & no i didn't 4get about hari raya even tho the christmas spirit was overwhelming..i mean everywhere there's dis christmas sale & offers..very tempting! all of a sudden i remember ayunni & her new born daughter..i haven't had a chance 2 c the saddest thing is i didn't even ask ayunni her little girl's name :( rude can i be wen i wanted 2 b her fairy godmother?! not a gud start, gotta call her soon..
like every other year, i celebrate hari raya aidiladha wit ctea & her family..& as usual i would dive into the food as much as my stomach can expand, hahaha! i juz love homemade cooking..the sight & smell really gave me a big appetite, nvr can resist dat..ctea's mum makes delicious mee curry- wit prawns, fishballs, kerang (cockles), sambal, tauhu, taugei, etc...yumyumyum *drooooooling* ;) ..besides dat, they had nasi minyak & mutton curry, spaghetti, nasi lemak, & alot more..but the dessert was my 2nd fav- baked cheese cake & Secret Recipe's chocolate indulgence cake..fuhhh! juz imagine all those's heaven wen u live alone & it's nvr a pleasure 2 cook 4 urself & eat alone, no fun!
soon 2008 will come knocking on our doors..another year 2 go thru..can't wait :) ..well, hope every1 had a great 2007, full of adventures & experiences, a past memory 2 cherish ;p
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