Friday, November 28, 2008

What To Do???

today wasn't much of a great day..i actually felt my day was wasted, thanx to my boss Mrs. AT..i mean she said she wanted to teach me the business & introduce me to some of her current clients, as in to give me a few new clients in certain companies..i'm already working for 2weeks u know..but the thing is, following her around & just sitting there is totally not productive..well, that's not entirely true, i gain a few tips & advices..hahaha :p

i feel that i need to start working on my own than stick with Mrs. AT all day long..i know i'm not 100% perfect but i have to try so i can improve myself & fix whatever i am i suppose to call & see my clients when she's always hovering & talking nonstop..most of the time i think she's doing it on purpose..keeping me tied to her..

feels like she's using me..& yes, i say this with truth coz without me, she can't venture new what makes me sooo mad is that she had the nerves to say that she wants all the big shot clients while i can have the small fishes & that she can't go into new places coz people already know her & she's old..arrgggh!!! bloody shit k!!! what the hell??? like trying to make sure i don't overdo her & earn more than her!!!

yeah well, that's the way it is when ur salary is 100% based on commission..still...she's not being fair..always telling me to be patient & that the 1st month don't expect to earn a lot & most probably only get rm1k or rm2k..of course laaa that'll happen if she keeps dragging me around..she closes a deal while i close nothing!!! [sengaja je nak i meleleh air liur..bengang k, macam orang bangang pun ada!!]

seriously, i see no point if i continue following her ass around while i can go on my own & at least get something out of my effort..i've done nothing productive that'll bring in clients coz i'm juz the "cow"..hahaha macam sial je ayat ni!!!

well, monday i got a late afternoon meeting..Mrs. AT wants me to know one of her clients, who she says may be able to help me get some referral..i wonder how it'll turn out..i've already spent more than i should have, i mean petrol-toll-food, all for's just like hanging out with friends minus the happiness & fun & feeling of this moment, my working life is just like leisure..which shouldn't be the must equal to income/salary/money!!!

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