Saturday, May 10, 2008

My PooR ThUmB :(

last nite i didnt eat the Cinnabon..instead i ate bread with spaghetti sauce (was a bit hungry & impatient 2 cook the spaghetti tho, so bread was the best option)..i must say the sauce was delicious (puji diri sendiri pandai masak, hehehe) Cinnabon was 4 brunch 2day..& nope i'm not going 2 Midvalley 2day as i had planned..not feeling well, heavy head & body is weak (feels like a fever is coming), plus my left thumb (at the joint) has tremendously swelled, dont really know why but it hurts :( ..hmmm, i think i'm gonna go c a doc at the Putrajaya clinic on's weird, scary & looks a bit retarded tho, cant remember banging/slamming in2 anything 2 cause the lucky guess is bone infection..yes, it does exist coz i remembered dat my right thumb had gone thru the same thing wen i was in high school..all i can recall wat the doc had said was due 2 cracking my knuckles..yup, a bad habit..still cant help doing it once in a, the moral of the story is DON'T crack ur knuckles..not gud 4 ur bones..anyway, i'm missing out the career-fest & feeling a bit guilty about not bringing mummy jalan-jalan at's not like i wanted 2 be sick & zapped of energy!!! :( ..sooo not fun being sick wit the addition of a headache!!!

*unrelated ~~ argggh!!! i juz know the freedom/tiesto event at P.D is soo fun & happening, i feel left out :( ..ohh, how i wish i could enjoy myself partying on the beach, wit gud music, booze, fun people & tons of cute/handsome guys 2 look at or maybe catch 1 (wishful thinking ;p ..) HaHaHa!!! but no worries, i'm sure there's alwez another party to come ;) ..positive thinking!

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